August 3, 2020 Fight against obesity, gardening could help!

Fight against obesity, gardening could help!

Our complete focus on Covid-19 has concealed another global pandemic that has been more insidious but much more harmful: obesity. Being overweight or Obese puts you at greater risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19. Early in the pandemic, data has shown common patterns in sickest Covid-19 patients – they were more likely to have diabetes and heart disease and, in particular, to be obese. And now due to restrictions on peoples movement just making things worse. Some recent study has shown the gardening can help people to cope-up with Obesity better.

This has been seen that people who participated in community gardening have a significantly lower body mass index — as well as lower odds of being overweight or obese — than do their non-gardening neighbors.

Study also shows, for spouses of married gardeners, there was no difference in BMI or odds of being overweight or obese. That finding was not surprising, as researchers had expected that spouses would benefit from eating food produced in the garden, and perhaps from helping out with the gardening activities.

So, why you are waiting for? Start gardening today and stay fit and stay active. And don’t forgot to give your feedback in the comment section below. Happy Gardening.